Thursday, July 23, 2009


Memory is a funny thing, I can remember all sorts of useless information, but some days I can't remember where I put my glasses. Sometimes we go into a room to get something and when we get there we can't remember what we are looking for. We can remember things that are absolutely useless like the Cy Young award winner in 1953, then can't remember the important things. Perhaps you have went to the grocery store to pick something up you needed and got everything but that item and didn't realize it until you got home.

Memories can be frustrating but also amusing. I hate to admit it, but one time I was getting ready to go on a trip with my wife and as they were checking our many bags at the airport, I remarked to her, "I wish we would have brought the stereo." My wife responded, "Why? We already have a dozen bags." "I know," I replied, "but our plane tickets are on the stereo."

Now it really isn't a big deal until we start forgetting the important things like the birthdays, anniversaries, or what time of the month us men need to leave the house for a week.

A friend had come to visit us from the city. He had been a city raised boy and was looking forward to seeing what country life was like. I had a farm dog that could do all sorts of things and I showed him to my friend. The dog rounded up the cattle and could even latch and unlatch the gate. Well, this friend was completely amazed and said, "Wow! That's a great dog! What's his name?" I scratched my head for the longest time and thought for a moment. "Let's see - his name - There's this sausage everyone likes - an actor or singer - what is it?" "Jimmy Dean." I turned to my wife, "Dean, what is the name of that dog?"

Memories, you just can't trust them.

I remember a funeral of a good friend. He was a firefighter who died when he was saving someone from a burning home. His death was the first loss due to a fire in our town in over 28 years. I was asked to speak at the funeral. I can't even remember what I said. How can anyone some up a life in twenty minutes? Even for me who had known him since the Marine Corps, it seemed impossible, almost rude to give a brief account of who he was.

I have been with families during times of grief. I have seen families who usually get along and love each other become quarrelsome over some little detail in the funeral preparations. Why is this? Is it a way of showing that we care; of showing how important that person was to us. By arguing over how best to remember them.

When I think about those who are proud in their hearts, I remember when I had went to see a famous specialist. The specialist was quite intimidating, but the best in his field. He asked me, "Well, who did you see before you came here?" "My general practitioner," I replied. "I'm sure he had nothing useful to tell you." answered the pompous doctor. "Well, she told me to come and see you." You've met people like that. They have heads so big they can't get in and out of the doorway.

Perhaps there are some of you who have felt forgotten at times. You have felt left out by family or friends or even forgotten what it was like to laugh out loud. The word "Advent"; what does it mean? Anybody?

Okay, I'm going to quiz you on this next week. Advent means to come. We have to come and get happiness and not feel left out. Our true friends still love us and haven't forgotten. Our family hasn't left us out in the cold, they seem to be the only ones that stand by us when we are in trouble. But you, yes I said you, must bring hope to a troubled world. You must bring light into darkness. You bring smiles to the poor and humble.

So when you are feeling left out or keep forgetting things, try doing something good for someone else. Maybe, just maybe, you will let them know they are not forgotten.

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